
Patrick Bond, Universidad de KwaZulu-Natal en Durban, Suráfrica - (en inglés)

Autor de "Looting Africa: the economics of exploitation". Fue consultor del Gobierno de Nelson Mandela


¿Podría proponer tres medidas económicas concretas que ayuden a salir de la crisis?


Keynes' proposal for an International Currency Union which would penalise trade surpluses.

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A fallback.

Keynes' proposals for widespread currency controls.

Keynes' proposals for more widespread deficit spending on productive activities (not crony-capitalist bank bailouts, as at present).


¿Podría proponer tres medidas concretas que eviten que una crisis de esta envergadura se repita en un futuro?

Reintroduction of the Glass-Steagal Act (globally) which in the 1930s prevented the overexposure of banks to stock markets


Exchange controls, which kept investments circulating locally instead of globally; and banning of investments in hot money centres (Panama, Cayman Islands, etc).

Banning of financial derivatives.
