
Stephan Schulmeister, Austrian Institute of Economic Research - (en inglés)

Experto en las posibilidades de la Tasa Tobin. Coautor del estudio "A general financial transaction tax: financing development and enhancing financial stability".


¿Podría proponer tres medidas económicas concretas que ayuden a salir de la crisis?


Rising unemployment is the most dangerous virus in the propagation of a global Contraction. Hence, fostering part-time work is extremely important, in part through improved incentives for entrepreneurs to reduce working hours instead of workers.

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A fallback.

Public investment in infrastructure, in particular at the regional/community level (where projects are smaller and can be realized faster than at the national level).

Ecological investments of any kind, in particular for saving energy.


¿Podría proponer tres medidas concretas que eviten que una crisis de esta envergadura se repita en un futuro?

Introduction of a financial transaction tax.


Strict regulation of the financial sector with the aim to "re-educate" banks so that they will again become a service sector for the real economy instead of "financial alchemists".

Stabilizing exchange rates: In an first step target zones for the 3 to 5 most important currencies could be introduced, in the long run the dollar should be substituted by a genuine world currency.
