
Twitter The 62 tweets and the song for which the Prosecutor is demanding almost 3 years in prison and a fine of 40,500 euros for rapper Pablo Hasel

Spain’s National Court is trying Spanish rapper Pablo Hasel this Thursday on charges of crimes of glorification of terrorism, insults to the Spanish Crown and slander to the State Institutions. The musician was already sentenced in 2014 by the Supreme Court for the first crime. If he is not able to pay the fine, the sentence will be extended to five years in jail.


Pablo Hasel, in the National Court.

Madrid, Actualizado:



Spain's National Court prosecutor, Daniel Campos Navas, is asking for a sentence of two years and nine months in jail and a fine of 40,500 euros (~50,000USD) for rapper Pablo Hasel on charges of glorifying terrorism, insulting the Crown and other crimes of insults and slander against the institutions of the State. If Hasel cannot pay the fine, the jail time will be extended to five years.

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A fallback.

The prosecutor believes that the rapper, who was sentenced in 2014 by the Supreme Court for the crime of glorifying terrorism, continually uses the Twitter network to "systematically glorify the activities of terrorists and their authors, presenting them like heroes and examples to be emulated, and their acts like heroic, justified acts."

For this crime, the prosecutor is asking for a sentence of 2 years and nine months in prison and a fine of 16,200 euros. But that's not all. For the crime of insulting the Crown, he's asking for 10,800 euros and for that of slander and insults to institutions of the State, he's asking for a fine of 13,500 euros. In total, the prosecutor is demanding, in addition to the jail sentences, a fine of 40,500 euros which, if not paid, would increase the jail time.


The prosecutor justifies his demand by signaling that "1915 tweets from Pablo Hasel's account have been found in which the terms 'grapo', 'monarchy', 'ETA', 'king', 'terrorism', 'Bilbo', 'Bourbon', 'Police', and 'Guardia Civil' appear." At the same time, the accusation points out that the rapper published a song on his YouTube account that is titled "Juan Carlos el Bobón" ("Juan Carlos the Dummy") in which the rapper profiles the life of the retired king.

Among all of the messages the prosecutor highlighted and included in his accusation there are a total of 62 tweets, which the reader can find in their entirety at the end of this article.


The prosecutor pointed out that the accused used the following words to describe former king Juan Carlos I of Spain: "parasites", "mafiosos", "thief", "mafioso and medieval monarchy", "criminal gang". These words, according to the opinion of the prosecutor, Campos Navas, “are completely impertinent and unnecessary” to express the rapper's ideals and "injure the dignity of the retired king, undermining his fame and attacking his esteem by the public", for which they constitute a crime of insulting the Crown.

Lyrics of the rapper, says the prosecutor, "injure the dignity of the retired king and undermine his fame"


At the same time, the prosecutor complains that the accused committed a crime of insults and slander against the institutions of the State since Hasel's words "attack the dignity" of the Security Forces. To this extent, the description of the complaint highlights the phrases, "Guardia Civil torturing and shooting at immigrants"; “bunch of psychopaths that beat up us people who demand our rights”; “riot police who have always beaten and tortured thousands of people” and “the police kill with absolute impunity".

Here are the 62 tweets that the prosecutor included in the suit against Pablo Hasel. (Some are not strictly literal but still capture the essence of the meaning of the original tweet.)


March 23, 2014
50 wounded police officers? Those fucking mercenaries bite their own tongues beating people up and say they're wounded.
